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Brainy Quote


Bring a quote to life through animation by enhancing and expanding the understanding of the original quote. The audience is a mix of everyone and the end products will be shared on social media.


In 3 weeks, create a 1:1 & 16:9 2D animated quote within 5-10 seconds.


"The power of imagination makes us infinite"

 John Muir

The Pitch

For this pass, the goal was to present two different concepts and styles.



Spacing Out

Using clean vector shapes to create an elegant and peaceful drifting off to space.




Using clean vector shapes to create an elegant and peaceful drifting off to space.

First Pass

For the First pass, we were tasked with working on the timing and basic animations for the piece. In addition, we were to gather audio. Before this pass, I scheduled a meeting with Kelly Warner to create audio that would fit this piece. Looking for an elegant, twinkling, and spacious audio track with a piano.


The critique for this pass was to add in some more anticipation to the sky and work on creating more depth with the design.

Style Revision

The updated style's purpose is to create more depth for a more interesting animation.

This is the updated style based off of the shared reference. 


Second Pass

This pass has updated audio adding to the piece overall.

This pass was passable, however some further improvements were decided upon.

Revision Pass

Final Pass

Above are the final animations for this piece. Overall this project was a lot of fun. It was surprisingly challenging to choose a quote at the very beginning.

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